Anime Cat Girl Characters That Kawaii For You To Watch

The Neko girl or Anime Cat Girl or in Japan can be interpreted as a cat girl having twice the rate of KE-unyu-an in their appearance and behavior. Yes, because the fact is that the cat is very unstable. Especially given the touch of a sweet girl.

Well, to admire their keun, this time otaku indonesia will show you information about the 7 most beautiful Neko girl characters from anime. Based on our own version. Are you ready for the chart??? Here they are.

Eris (Asobi ni iku yo!)

This Erised is a Catian-type alien seeking information about life on earth. His appearance, which looked very “human”, caused many people to disbelieve when he was an alien, even thinking that his cat’s tail and hearing were just props. There are many girls in this anime, but I just took Eris.

Neko (K)

Calling himself “his pet cat Shiro”, Neko will always be by Shiro’s side and take care of him. Neko has the ability to create illusions and control people’s minds. Neko’s appearance isn’t really “cat”, but his demeanor is lho very cat.

Nozomi KIRIYA (Mayoi Neko Invaded!)

Neko girl or Catgirl or in Indonesian can be interpreted as cat girl me 7 Most beautiful Neko girl characters in anime. Nozomi is not a cat or anything. He’s an ordinary human being, but he has unique habits that resemble cats, including creating a haircut like a cat’s hearing. She’s a lost-of-memory girl who lives in the “Stray Cats” cafe.

Yoriko Sagisawa (Da Capo)

Yoriko is Misaki’s pet cat. One day, Misaki discovers an abnormal sakura tree that grants her wish to turn Yoriko into a human with her appearance, but with the hearing of a cat. So be Yoriko Sagisawa.

Aria Liese & Lotte Liese (Nanoha lyric from Magical Girl)

These two girls are twins. Both also have powerful magical powers that their masters can always rely on.

Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)

She is one of the few super-powered Truth Defender girls whose costume theme and powers are cats.

Mao (Bright Tears X Dark Blue X)

He’s a half-Beastman. There is actually a law that prohibits being affiliated with beings of other races. But his mother, who fell in love with one of us, the man-beast, was born Mao.

Also read: Anime School Girl

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